Hlaziya  noma    Ulimi:

Jacob incazelo yegama lokuqala

Jacob incazelo yegama: leli gama kwezinye izilimi, ukupeliswa kwesipelingi nokubiza amagama, amagama ahlukile wesifazane nabesilisa Jacob.

Chaza Jacob

From the Latin Iacobus, which was from the Greek Ιακωβος (Iakobos), which was from the Hebrew name יַעֲקֹב (Ya'aqov). In the Old Testament Jacob (later called Israel) is the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel, and his name is explained as meaning "holder of the heel" or "supplanter", because he twice deprived his brother of his rights as the firstborn son (see Genesis 27:36). Other theories claim that it is in fact derived from a hypothetical name like יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "may God protect".

The English names Jacob and James derive from the same source, with James coming from Latin Iacomus, a later variant of Iacobus. Unlike English, many languages do not have separate spellings for the two names.

In England, Jacob was mainly regarded as a Jewish name during the Middle Ages, though the variant James was used among Christians. Jacob came into general use as a Christian name after the Protestant Reformation. A famous bearer was Jacob Grimm (1785-1863), the German linguist and writer who was, with his brother Wilhelm, the author of 'Grimm's Fairy Tales'.

Ingabe Jacob igama lomfana?

Yebo, igama Jacob linomlingani wesilisa.

Amafomu wegama lomzimba Jacob

Igama Jacob linamagama afanayo wesifazane. Amagama wesifazane afana negama Jacob:

Igama lokuqala Jacob livelaphi?

Igama Jacob evame kakhulu ku- IsiNgisi, IsiDashi, IsiSwidi, IsiENorway, IsiDanishi, AmaJuda, IBhayibheli.

Okunye ukupela ngegama lokuqala Jacob

יַעֲקֹב (ngesiHebheru)

Jacob amagama ehlukile

Hlaziya igama lakho nesibongo. Kumahhala!

Igama lakho:
Isibongo sakho:
Thola ukuhlaziywa

Okuningi mayelana negama lokuqala Jacob

Jacob kusho igama

Iyini Jacob isho ukuthini? Okusho igama Jacob.


Jacob umsuka wegama lokuqala

Igama elingu Jacob livelaphi? Umsuka wegama lokuqala Jacob.


Jacob incazelo yegama lokuqala

Leli gama ngezinye izilimi, ukupeliswa kwesipelingi nokubiza amagama, amagama ahlukile wesifazane nabesilisa Jacob.


Ama-namnicknam for Jacob

Jacob amagama amancane. Amagama omama wegama lokuqala Jacob.


Jacob kwezinye izilimi

Funda ukuthi igama lokuqala Jacob lihambelana kanjani negama lokuqala kwelinye ulimi kwelinye izwe.


Indlela yokubiza Jacob

Ubiza kanjani Jacob? Izindlela ezahlukene zokubiza Jacob. Ukubizwa ngokuthi Jacob


Jacob ukuhambelana nama-surname

Jacob ukuhlolwa kokuhambelana namazwi.


Jacob ukuhambisana namanye amagama

Jacob ukuhlolwa kokuhambisana namanye amagama.


Uhlu lwamagama ngegama Jacob

Uhlu lwamagama ngegama Jacob