Hlaziya  noma    Ulimi:

Rochelle Shenton

Igama negama Rochelle Shenton. Okusho igama lokuqala, umsuka, ukuhambisana kwegama nesibongo Rochelle Shenton. Wonke amasevisi enthanethi.

Rochelle Shenton incazelo

Rochelle Shenton okusho ukuthi: ukuhlaziywa okufingqiwe kwencazelo yegama Rochelle nesibongo Shenton.


Rochelle kusho igama

Okusho igama lokuqala Rochelle. Igama lokuqala Rochelle lisho ukuthini?


Shenton incazelo yesibongo

Isichazamazwi sisho Shenton. Isibongo Shenton sisho ukuthini?


Ukuhambisana kwe- Rochelle kanye Shenton

Ukuhambisana kwesibongo Shenton negama Rochelle.


Rochelle ukuhambisana nama-surname

Rochelle ukuhlolwa kwegama lokuhambisana negama lomsebenzisi.


Shenton ukuhambisana namagama

Shenton isivivinyo sokuhambisana nesibongo ngamagama.


Rochelle ukuhambisana namanye amagama

Rochelle ukuhlolwa kokuhambisana namanye amagama okuqala.


Shenton ukuhambisana namanye amagama

Shenton ukuhlolwa kokuhambisana namanye amagama.


Uhlu lwamagama ngegama Rochelle

Amagama amaningi avamile futhi angavamile ngegama Rochelle.


Amagama ahamba ne- Shenton

Amagama avamile futhi angavamile anegama Shenton.


Rochelle imvelaphi yegama lokuqala

Umsuka wegama lokuqala Rochelle.


Rochelle incazelo yegama lokuqala

Leli gama ngezinye izilimi, ukupeliswa kwesipelingi nokubiza amagama, amagama ahlukile wesifazane nabesilisa Rochelle.


Rochelle incazelo engcono kakhulu yegama: Okungafani, Ukudala, Nobungane, Esebenzayo, Isimo sengqondo. Thola Rochelle kusho igama.

Shenton izincazelo zegama elihle kakhulu: Isimo sengqondo, Sína, Nobungane, Esebenzayo, Okungafani. Thola Shenton incazelo yesibongo.

Rochelle imvelaphi yegama lokuqala. From the name of the French city La Rochelle, meaning "little rock". It first became commonly used as a given name in America in the 1930s, probably due to the fame of actress Rochelle Hudson (1914-1972) and because of the similarity to the name Rachel. Thola Rochelle imvelaphi yegama lokuqala.

Amagama amaningi avamile ngegama Rochelle: Riopelle, Gallatin, Powell, Poltanis, Bissett. Thola Uhlu lwamagama ngegama Rochelle.

Amagama avame kakhulu ngegama lomsebenzisi Shenton: Lidia, Barton, Jacob, Barrett, Son, Lídia. Thola Amagama ahamba ne- Shenton.

Ukuhambisana kwe- Rochelle kanye Shenton kuyinto 86%. Thola Ukuhambisana kwe- Rochelle kanye Shenton.